A Management Consulting Firm Dedicated to Your Organization’s Success

The Human Resource Learning Center (HRLC) Optimizing Individual and Organizational Performance
HRLC is a management consulting firm specializing in developing organizational solutions that address both staff and system requirements. Our experienced consultants are accomplished in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, human resources and organizational development, assessment, design, and training.
John T. Butler, M.Ed., CFRE
Biography & Experience Summary
John T. Butler, President & CEO of the Human Resource Learning Center, Inc., has led numerous efforts where he has designed and facilitated DEI and strategic planning initiatives, needs assessments, and organizational development efforts including staff interventions, work process improvements, teaming, leadership and management training, and executive coaching.
Over the past 20 years, through John’s creative work, HRLC has served federal, state, corporate and nonprofit clients. HRLC believes that an effective workforce ensures organizational success.
However, individual performance alone is usually not enough to guarantee success. Organizations must develop Inclusive and cohesive work environments and effective work processes— internal systems, effective supply chains, and ultimately, an organizational culture that encourages, supports, and sustains high performance.
HRLC's integrated approach to achieving optimum performance links tools and techniques for employee effectiveness with organizational development strategies.
In this way, performance is driven by a strategic design that includes attention to not only people and processes, but to the heart of an organization—its people and culture. The hallmark of HRLC's success has been a commitment to one goal: providing organizational development and change management services that give clients practical, common sense strategies to ensure optimum organizational performance.
John's leadership of HRLC and his diverse background benefits clients in several ways. He brings more than two decades of consulting experience with C-suite executives, a practical and integrated approach to organizational development, and expertise in psychosocial and interpersonal dynamics. His success as a facilitator and motivational speaker has gained him a national reputation.
John holds a Master of Education degree in Guidance, and Counseling from Howard University; a Certificate for Group Work and Group Psychotherapy from the Center for Group Studies at the Psychiatric Institute of Washington; and is a Certified Fundraising Executive and credentialed by Human Synergistics and Type Resources to administer teambuilding simulations and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Private & Non Profit Clients
AmeriHealth Caritas District of Columbia
Anchor Mental Health Association
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Archdiocese of Washington
Communities In Schools Inc.
Future Baltimore
Georgia State Mentoring Partnership
HBA, Inc.
Hospice Care of DC
Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic
Leadership Greater Washington
Maine State Mentoring Partnership
National Mentoring Partnership
Notre Dame Preparatory
Précis Corporation
St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation
The National Mentoring Partnership
Washington State Mentoring Partnership
National Mentoring Partnership
Notre Dame Preparatory
Précis Corporation
St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation
The National Mentoring Partnership
Washington State Mentoring Partnership